Monday, October 1, 2012

One, Two, Three...

There's this song on Brayden's toy camera that's been stuck in my head lately, especially since Brayden is 10 months old.  I can say that still for just only a few more days because on October 3rd he will officially be 11 months old.  It's amazing how fast this little guy is growing up on us!  He's been such a joy to have in our family.  Lately he's been teething again.  Now he has 9 teeth, including one molar.  He gets into so much mischief-- unrolling the toilet paper, tearing up our house plants, taking out all the pots, pans, & dishes.  Just a few weeks ago he went from Army-style crawling to getting up on his knees to crawl.  Then he discovered pulling up and walking with the help of toy carts, kitchen chairs, the trash, toy bins, and the laundry basket.  Brayden loves scooting all around the house this way.  He's so determined and will probably soon be walking--earlier than the others.  So, here's that song...

One, Two, Three,
Four, Five, Six,
Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten

Count along
While you take pics,
Then you count again!

                        1 month  

                         5 months  

                                   7 months      

                        8 months 

                        9 months 

                         10 months

Wonder where 2, 3, 4, & 6 are?  Me, too!  Well, we've had some setbacks and can't find some files.  Don did some project transfering them to an external hard drive and now we can't find those files!  I need to call in an expert (Fred Gutierrez) to see if they can be recovered.  I've been so sick and stressed out thinking that a good part of this year is lost.  If/when we find the files, I'll do an update.   I'm praying for a miracle!  

Thursday, September 27, 2012


Oops!  I guess that this accidentally got published twice.  So, my friends, just open one of them.  There aren't 2 books.  Just one... One that took me all of my spare time over 2 days to finish!  All to get it "FREE" from Shutterfly.  It wasn't a very user friendly site, that's for sure.  Or maybe it was just that I wanted to do all the fancy stuff and their software wouldn't allow.  Who knows.  Well, this book would've cost me about $30, instead I paid about $13 (well, I could've made it more plain for $5 less, but I thought that Yellowstone deserved an upgraded book).  Have fun viewing it!   

Photo Book

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Sunday, July 29, 2012

Looking back on 2011

All last year and the months surrounding Brayden's birth we were experiencing the calm before the storm.  Looking back on 2011, I would have to say it was another bitter-sweet year.  It started out with another miscarriage & all the emotions of wondering if we were supposed to have another baby.  We had prayed about it and got a confirmation of the Spirit that there was another baby for our family, even if the timing didn't seem right.  So, right after my miscarriage in early February, we tried again and found that we were pregnant again!  It was hard to celebrate because of the two early miscarriages in August 2010 and February 2011. 

Also during February 2011, I had thrown Marlyse a surprise 8th birthday party with about a dozen friends.  It was very therapeutic and got my mind off the miscarriage.  We had so much fun making bead necklaces and daisy hair bows, eating snacks, and having cake & ice cream.  Later in the month, I was in charge of the Ward Family Luau--really fun with yummy food, great decorations & great entertainment.  Another sweet memorable thing at that time was our dear friend, Maria Tamayo wanted to get Marlyse some nice white shoes for her upcoming baptism in March.  I really feel that Heavenly Father sends such sweet spirits into our lives so that we can learn from them and to also gain eternal perspective on things.  Maria doesn't have much, but gives all to bless the lives of others--taking us out to dinner and now wanting to pay for nice dress shoes (she would've bought the dress, but I sew for these special occasions).  One day when we were out shopping for shoes & dresses for Rachelle & Kristen, I asked Maria, "do you have enough money for your needs?"  She told me, "money comes and goes and I always have enough."  I've really had to take that to heart.  When we are in a position to help others out, just do it.  Don't keep track, just do it out of the goodness of your heart.  Blessings and goodness will come back to you later on.  I was very touched by all of these little miracles or "tender mercies" that I bore my testimony in RS in early March.  I remember expressing my feelings to the sisters that Heavenly Father really does hear and answer our prayers.

In mid April, an early ultrasound showed that I had a subcorionic hematoma (sp?).  This added more concern and worry.  At Easter time, we told the kids we were expecting again.  We had them do a "special" egg hunt in which just tidbits of phrases were in each one.  Then they had to put together the message:  "Mom is having a baby due November 10, 2011."  The last golden egg had the ultrasound picture in it.  They were so excited!  Then we sent a cute little poem "Go Team Larson!" home to our Donaldson family in Duncan sharing the news.  For our Larson family in Pima, we just shared the poem and picture with everyone at Kayla's baptism dinner (we left our ward camp out a little early to make it there in time).  We were happy to share our news, but encouraged everyone's prayers and fasting in our behalf.  With a priesthood blessing, much prayer and fasting, the next ultrasound showed that the hematoma had cleared up and there was no trace of it!  A small miracle in my eyes! 

With the kids and all their activities (dance, piano, activity days, and scouts), my calling as the ward activities leader, volunteering at the school, sewing and other projects, & throwing birthday parties, I stayed very busy during the year.  Then there was our big trip to Yellowstone in July with the Larson family.  We left for our trip the very night of our ward potluck dinner & pool party.  Somehow, we get put in charge of these big functions, but all turned out for both the pool party and our big trip to Yellowstone.  Then all of our Larson family came & we had the privilege of enjoying one of Heavenly Father's most beautiful places on this earth.  Aside from the birth of Brayden, our trip to Yellowstone was the biggest highlight of the year. 

Between August and October, it seemed like we were going down to Pima/Duncan about every 2-3 weeks!  Picking up kids at the end of summer, Uncle Larry's funeral, camping on Mt. Graham, Jarom's baptism, and going to the Graham County Fair.  At the same time, there was discouragement with the end of our little company, Steele Larson Advisors (all the "should haves" and "could haves") & facing the unknowns of bankruptcy & legal problems.  Don was excited to start up his own companies, Larson Financial Solutions and Larson Tax & Accounting.  Switching gears again, it was finally fall time with all the fun that it brings:  Boo at the Zoo, Mother Nature's Farm, the school Halloween parade & parties, and the ward Trunk-or-Treat (I was in charge of this, but got lots of extra help just in case the baby came).

Bittersweet once again, Brayden was born on November 3, 2011 by c-section after turning breech & his heart rate was decelerating.  We feel very blessed that Dr. Huish knew what to do and that he was delivered safely.  My heart is so very full because, after the 2nd miscarriage I was pleading with Heavenly Father to send us a boy.  I didn't feel like this was a worldly request because I just knew that Kade needed a brother and that our family needed to be blessed with another boy that would someday grow up and be a righteous, worthy priesthood holder.  Brayden is truly an answer to our prayers!  Bittersweet one more time, not all of our family could be here for Brayden's blessing day.  We made the best of it and thanked all those that made the effort to come--they truly made it special for us. 

Other memorable times:  Rachelle & Marlyse getting their hair cut for Locks of Love, dance performances, Kade's last pinewood derby & earning his Arrow of Light, Kade's last orchestra concert & taking up trumpet, and Kade & Marlyse's piano recital.  Also, putting on the ward Christmas party just one month after having Brayden and pulling it off with just a few hitches (only people behind the scenes were aware of).

Then there was Christmas time and all the hustle and bustle in an effort to make things magical and special for the kids.  With the help of some anonymous person in the ward, we were able to do that.   It was a humbling time, especially having to make some trips to the Bishop's Storehouse.  I truly feel that Heavenly Father has been looking after us and sending "angels" to help us out in need. Looking back on 2011, we can truly say that we were very blessed!

A Special Weekend at the Gila Valley Temple

Damien, Tonya, & Royce Larson
     We made a quick trip to Pima, AZ on Friday,
July 27, 2012.  We left the older 3 kids to be picked up from Xtreme Summer activities by Uncle Brian.  He took good care of them:  fed them dinner, helped give service to a friend,  watched a movie, stayed the night, fed them breakfast, had the kids do some chores, and took them to the Stake clothing exchange.  Oh, and he spoiled them with peach cobbler, ice cream, & sodas at Circle K.  Lyrica (age 13) had the job of babysitting Kristen & Brayden along with Robin & Laura's 5 kids.  Lyrica pretty much did it all on her own even though Q, Glenn, & Ali'i were there playing video games in the boys' room. 
     We had a nice Endowment Session at the Gila 
Valley Temple with our nephew Damien receiving his 
endowments.  It's just so hard to believe how fast he 
has grown up.  I still remember him as a happy, little, 
& active toddler.  He reports to the MTC on August  
29th for his mission to Fresno, CA.
     We got back to the Larson's to find the kids happy and well.  Brayden was asleep in Grandma's room while Kristen & her cousins were quietly watching a movie.  Laura came & took her kids home, then I nursed Brayden and sent our little ones to sleep.  It was nice to get a rain storm that gently fell all night long.  We didn't get much sleep since we went to bed late and Brayden woke up at 3:30 to be fed.  
     On Saturday, July 28, 2012 we got up at 6:00 to get ready for Richard & Alana's sealing at 8:30.  We got to the temple in plenty of time and finally when they called us back, we were greeted by Uncle Clay & Aunt Naoma.  It was just so special to be with family in the temple.  President John performed the sealing.  He had wonderful things to say and kept things upbeat, but also got a little emotional.  The Spirit was strong & we were glad to be part of this special day.  We wish we could have stayed for the family dinner, but we had to get back home to Mesa so that Don could make it to the 2nd half of his ASU Saturday class.  

Richard & Alana Evans
Sealed For Time & All Eternity
Saturday, July 28, 2012

Bob & Pat Evans and Richard & Alana Evans

Richard & Alana Evans and Lois & Lynn Larson

Bob & Pat Evans, Richard & Alana Evans, & Lois & Lynn Larson
Devin & Brylana Hatch, Q Heward, Alana & Richard Evans

Q & Brylana
This was a priceless moment to capture!

Robin & Laura Walker
It was fortunate to have Robin there.
He left work for the sealing, then had to get back,
so he didn't make it into all the group shots.
Laura is just a little over a month away from having baby #6, a boy.

In Front:  Brylana Hatch, Michelynne Larson, Jennifer Larson, Stephanie Larson,
Tonya Larson, Alana Evans, Lois Larson, & Laura Walker
In Back:  Q Heward, Devin Hatch, Don Larson, Bruce Larson, Robert Larson,
Royce Larson, Richard Evans, Lynn Larson, & Damien Larson

Friday, April 13, 2012

Sewing Projects

Sewing projects have saved me!  I've engaged in several projects to get my mind of our current legal problems and bankruptcy.  Thank heavens I can turn to something constructive.  Others may drink away their problems, but I just SEW!  Here's what I've done so far this year:

Hooded towel I made for Miss Beverly's
baby boy, Tyson Kerr.
Miss Beverly is the girls' dance instructor.
Kilt, sash, & hat made for my brother, Maurice
Don is such a great model!

These dresses weren't made by me, but I did rip out the old nonfunctional zippers
 and replaced them with new ones so that Rachelle & Kristen could wear them
before the warm weather came.

I made a matching bedskirt for Marlyse's twin bed on the left. 
Now we can hide all that food storage in style!

Here are the tablecloth overlays that I made for the Duncan RS Birthday Fiesta in March. 
We were able to reuse all the decorations from the Three Fountains Ward Fiesta in February.  It turned out great!

Kristen is modeling the dress I made for my niece, Brooke. 
We sent it in the mail all the way to Kingston, WA
for an Easter surprise.  Kristen wanted it for herself, but
when I told her that Brooke didn't have any princess
dresses, she was happy to give it to her!
Here are the Larson women on Easter Sunday
 wearing matching skirts that I made.  There was
just enough fabric for each of us, plus the cute
little flower pins on each of the girls' shirts.  We'll
have to do another photo shoot--this picture has
a palm tree growing out of my head!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

"Yeah, You Can Recycle That"

Hi there, fellow bloggers!

I came across this article on Monday, 3-19-12 in the AZ Republic about recycling 4 unusual items (denim, crayons, eyeglasses & bras).  If you want to read the entire article I'm sure you can find it on the website at  I'm so excited about it because now I know what to do with things that have been piling up around my house!  We're all used to recycling the usual things:  newspaper, junk mail, cans & bottles, but here are some more things we can recycle.  Bonded Logic in Chandler, 390 E. Ray Rd., takes 100% cotton denim, cotton linens, old clothes, shoes and handbags.  They are open 7 am - 3 pm Monday-Friday and pay out 4 cents a pound.  For details:  (480)726-0001 or or  Crazy Crayons, Crayon Recycle Program, P.O. Box 772711, Steamboat Springs, CO 80477 takes old crayons (not ones made in China or other foreign countries, 'though).  For details:  Wal-Mart stores or Lions Sight & Hearing Foundation, 3427 N. 32nd St. Phoenix take used glasses and hearing aids.  Hours are 9 a.m. - 3 p.m.  For details:  (602)954-1723 or  Bra Recyclers takes new & gently used bras with working straps (unsuitable bras will be sent to a textile recycling facility) and ships them out to needy women in 22 states and some foreign countries.  Donate at valley locations or mail to 3317 S. Higley Rd. Suite 114-441, Gilbert, AZ  85297.  For details:  Here's a great way to clean out those closets and do a little Spring cleaning!  Have fun! 

Monday, February 13, 2012

Brayden's Blessing Day

December 4, 2011 was a very special day for our family.  Don was able to give Brayden a name & a blessing in our Three Fountains Ward.  We were hoping that more of our family could be there for this special occasion, but for those that made the effort to come we really appreciate their dedication.  It was a little bitter-sweet because we didn't have Grandpa Larson, Uncle Royce, Uncle Bruce, Uncle Richard or any of the uncles on the Donaldson side in the prayer circle.  However, we did have Uncle Cal (my mom's oldest brother), Grandpa Donaldson, Uncle Brandon, Uncle Robert, and Uncle Robin all in the circle with Don and Bishop Sharp.  In just 4 weeks I was able to make Brayden's blessing suit, get our house somewhat cleaned and in order, and make dinner for all the family that came into town.  We took lots of pictures, but somehow (probably because we were so busy) Uncle Cal & Aunt Marnee escaped the camera.  We had a great day and it was nice and sunny in Mesa, AZ despite the rain & snow storms around the rest of the state the day before. 
Brayden Shawn Larson

Proud daddy, Don with baby Brayden
Proud parents, Don & Michelynne with baby Brayden
Don & Michelynne
Kade, Marlyse, Rachelle, Kristen, & Brayden

Our family with the Donaldson Clan
More of Our Awesome Family
Pictured from left to right:  Uncle Robert & Aunt Stephanie & kids, Aunt Melissa & Uncle Brandon & girls, Aunt Jennifer & kids

Uncle Robin & Aunt Laura & kids

Aunt Kymra & Brayden

Grandpa Donaldson & Brayden


Christmas Newsletter 2011

For those that we didn't get around to sending out a Christmas card to, I thought you might want to read the condensed version of the year 2011 at the Larsons.  Here it is:

Dear Family & Friends,                                                                                              December 2011

Greetings from the Larsons!  We hope all is going well for each of you and your families this Christmas season.  This is such a joyous time of year as we reflect on the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ, and all of our many blessings.  We’ve had some tough times in 2011, but overall our family has been very blessed—especially with the arrival of our baby.

Brayden Shawn arrived on November 3, 2011.  Finally after 11 years, we’ve got another BOY!  Brayden is an answer to our sincere prayers.  He’s such a sweet spirit—a bit of Heaven on Earth.  He was so excited to come to our family—always doing full body flips in the womb.  At the last minute he turned breech, couldn’t be turned back down, and had to be delivered by c-section.  It was later discovered that the cord was wrapped around his neck.  He was having too much fun until he ran out of cord.  He’s growing so fast and will be 7 weeks old for his first Christmas. 

Kristen (3 yrs.) is feisty and full of spunk.  Her vocabulary is big and she surprises us with what she says, both good and bad.  Kristen has joined the “Big Sister” club and feels so big and important.  She’s adjusting to her new baby brother, but needs a little reassurance that we love her just as much.

Rachelle (6yrs.) learned how to swim this summer & got to attend the Xtreme Summer activities  with Kade & Marlyse.  In the fall, she started Let’s Play Music (beginning music theory) and has fun practicing the bells and singing songs.  She’s quite the little dancer & takes dance with Miss Beverly.    

Marlyse (8 yrs.) is really growing up and was baptized in March.  She is developing her artistic talents by dancing, singing, and playing piano.  She enjoys Activity Days and has developed new friendships at school.  Marlyse is a great “little mama” and even changes Brayden’s diapers!

Kade (11 yrs.) loves camping & fishing and caught more fish than his dad this summer!  In the fall, he crossed over from Cub Scouts to Boy Scouts.  Kade gave up violin & orchestra and began playing the trumpet in the school band—a much better fit for him.   He also takes piano lessons and is doing great.  In his spare time he likes to read and perform science experiments.  He is the proudest big brother & is so excited to finally have a little brother! 

Michelynne just finished up her 3rd year as ward activity leader—providing fun filled memories for the ward.  She has become quite the chauffer taking kids to all their activities.  In her spare time she volunteers at the school.  This year she took on several sewing projects including Marlyse’s baptism dress, a blouse for a friend, Rachelle’s Strawberry Shortcake costume, & Brayden’s blessing suit.   

Don is busy in grad school—working toward his MBA at ASU.  This year marked the end of Steele Larson Advisors and the beginning of Larson Financial Solutions when Don decided to go completely independent and start up his own business.   He is still the ward clerk and has spent four years in that calling.  It’s challenging to find time for everything, but somehow he finds the time.

Our family activity of the year was our trip to Yellowstone with the Larson family.  We stayed three days in a nice cabin in Island Park, ID, just outside of Yellowstone.  What a beautiful place!  Having all the family there really made it special!  On the way home we were able to visit with family in UT.    

We hope all is going well with you and your families.  Keep in touch with us on Facebook, by e-mail at, check out our blog at, or give us a call at (480)898-1537.  We wish you a very Merry Christmas and a wonderful New Year!

With Love From The Larsons,

Don, Michelynne, Kade, Marlyse, Rachelle, Kristen, & Brayden

Santa Babies
Marlyse holding Brayden & Kade in back 
Kristen and Rachelle in front 

Santa Brayden